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Ninja World | Gekko vs. Seirei

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Gekko vs. Seirei

Druga borba grupe D
Gekko vs. Seirei

Bacamo za lude augmentee

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world69 Gekko vs. Seirei #world73 Gekko vs. Seirei #world57


The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world72 Gekko vs. Seirei #world65 Gekko vs. Seirei #world59

Moj time je 2 jounina
Kako sam lud

Biram augment 22
Kada vaš jonin umre zameniće ga njegov mladji sin, chunin.

Oba napada idu na teninna

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world198 Gekko vs. Seirei #world196

Chunin i tenin
Posto sam izabrao argument 21, prvi teninov napad ine na oba jonina.
chunin napada samo jednog.

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world185


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world202

Sad jedan jounin gadja chunina napadom i drugi jounin tenina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world199 Gekko vs. Seirei #world194

AAko se chunin odbrani i napadne on prvi salje ka jednom joninu i ako se tenin odbrani pa napadne šalje taj napad drugom joninu joninu.

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world182


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world209

Djolomir reko da racunam da je chunin mrtav

Jounini bacaju napad na teninna

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world199 Gekko vs. Seirei #world199

Ako tenin izbegne, napasce jednog jonina

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world201

Oba jounina napadaju teninna

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world193 Gekko vs. Seirei #world200

Tenin napada tog jednog jonina sto je ostao

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world206

Zbog augmenta dolazi chunin u borbu
Obojca napadaju tennina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world189


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world192

Ako izbegne napada jonina

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world205

Oboje na tennina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world181


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world191

Ako izbegne napada jonina

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world213

Oboje tennina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world186


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world194

Ako izbegne, napada chunina(onog koji prvi popusti)

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world211

Chunin se pridruzuje borbi zbog augment 22
Oboje napadaju teninna

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world183 Gekko vs. Seirei #world190

izbegao je dmg zbog kugle koja absorbije 500 dmg, moj tenin napada chunina(onog koji prvi popusti)

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world212

Oboje napadaju tennina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world188 Gekko vs. Seirei #world181

Ako izbegne, napada chunina(onog koji prvi popusti)

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world208

Oboje napadaju tennina

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world187 Gekko vs. Seirei #world188

Ako izbegne, napada chunina(onog koji prvi popusti)

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world202

Oboje napadaju

The member 'Seirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world184 Gekko vs. Seirei #world186

ako prezivi ovaj napad, moj tenin ce napasti tog jednog sto je ostao ziv.

The member 'Gekko' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Gekko vs. Seirei #world212
