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Ninja World | Kirei vs Yashin

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Ninja World - Roleplay Card Game

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Kirei vs Yashin

Samo vjerujem u sebe, Aburo je tu da imam izgovor ako nešto sjebem.

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
1. Tennin 1000HP - Kirei Uchiha
2. Chunin 500HP - Aburo Uzumaki

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world60 Kirei vs Yashin #world71 Kirei vs Yashin #world65

Tenin i chunin

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world62 Kirei vs Yashin #world60 Kirei vs Yashin #world55

Biram augment broj 14 ajmo biti ludi
Kada mj chunin izbjegava dobija 100DMG do kraja borbe.
Aburo napada Tennina
Ja napadam chunina XD

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world186


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world204

11 jedan moj chunin je HEROOO IMA PLUS 400 DMG

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world181


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world203

Moj chunin napada tvoga i moj Tennin napada njega

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world182


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world201

Udri tenin napada tenina i chunin napada tenina

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world184


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world203

Moj tennin napada tvoga i usput mu pluje na facu prljavu

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world214

Crko da bog da
Tenin tenina

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world213

Tennin na tennina no homo btw, I dva chunina sa strane repuju za moral isto protiv tennina.

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world188 Kirei vs Yashin #world190


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world212

Tenin prvog chunina

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world206

Dva chunina plaču zbog Kireiove smrti i napadaju Tennina

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world183 Kirei vs Yashin #world184

Umro ti chunin, tenin napada preostalog

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world213

Aburo White Zetsu Form SS rank napada Tennina

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world190

Tenina na bednog chunina, nemoj se samo samoubiiti

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world210

Burex vjerujem ja u tebe ajmo sada Nigerundayoooo!
Kirei vs Yashin Nigerundayo-Smokey

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world189

Omg ja cu izgubiti, chunin odradio najjace sto moze

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world213

Burex iza ljevog ugla napada sa svojim senju genima

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world190

Dodji maliiii da plesemo
Tenin na chunina

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world211

Aburex vidi da se ovaj usrao i počeo ići na defanzivu sad treba udrit

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world186

0 dmg volis, na kraju ce moj tenin samog sebe ubiti majko mila

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world204

Čak bi rekao da obožava udri ga još jednom za dobru mjeru XD

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world189

Valaj si ga apsorbovo jako

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world205

Ovaj Tennin ne zna šta će od sebe, Burex previše ludo napada!!!!!

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.
The member 'Kirei' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world181

Prljave mi felne kilometre tuko

The member 'Yashin' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
Kirei vs Yashin #world201

SAD ili NIKAD beži Aburex beži kud te noge noseee

Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji.