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Ninja World | Wertzuir vs. Matsuda

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Wertzuir vs. Matsuda


Tim: Jonin i 2 chunina

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world62  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world74  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world52

Tim: Kirei i Aburo

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'Kockica 24' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world59  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world71  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world52

Augmnet:11 - Jedan vaš chunin je heroj i ima +400dmg na svoje napade.

Moj jonin ide na tvog kireia a Chunini 1 ide na genina a chunin 2(400dmg buff) ide isto na kireia

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world186  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world186


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world194

Biram pomoćni augment-Vaši regruti dobijaju +50hp zavisno od svog ranka (genin 50, chunin +100, jonin +150, tennin +200)
Kirei-1200hp i Aburo 350hp

Kirei napada tvog jonina,a Aburo chunina 1

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 ' NPC Genin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world171


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world211

Chunin 1 napada genina a chunin 2 (400dmg+) i jonin na tennina

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world189  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world186


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world199

stanje: Kirei 500hp
Aburo 50hp
Kirei napada jonina,a mladi Aburo chunina 1

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 ' NPC Genin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world174


#2 ' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world205

Aburo rip

Svi napadaju tennina

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world190  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world190


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world195

Kirei toliko besan,a u isto vreme srećan sto je mladi Aburo umro,napada tvog jonina kako bi osvetio palog prijatelja.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world201

Svi na tennina

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

#1 'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world182  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world189


#2 'NPC Jonin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world191

Kirei uspešno osvećuje svog palog druga Abura i zatim se brani od napada jonin i zaleće na chunina koji ga je napao.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world205

Svi napadaju Tennina (Jonin rip)

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world188  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world182

Kirei napada chunina koji ga je napao čistom čakrom.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world209

Svi na tennina

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world186  Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world184

Kirei uspešno ubija chunina 1 i brani se od njegovog napada,potom se upućuje ka chuninu 2 sa namerom da ga rastrgne.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world207

Poslednji chunin napada (final stand)

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world187

Kirei ga napada mnogo jako.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world202

Chunin napada (final stand)

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world187

Kirei ga napada još jače.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world213

Chunin napada (final stand)

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world187

Kirei toliko iznerviran malo popušta ali je jos uvek jako.

The Strongest Medic
The member 'Matsuda' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

' NPC Tennin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world213

Chunin napada (final stand)

The member 'Wertzuir' has done the following action : #RP-OPCIJE

'NPC Chunin' :
 Wertzuir vs. Matsuda  #world184